This is my first ever post, anywhere!, and I am so excited to be seeing this organisation come to life. Back in 2002 when I was a young thing with no husband, children, or responsibilities, I couldn’t have imagined that this was possible. All I know is that this community has been the backbone of my adult life and I intend to keep being a part of it until I am much older and greyer than I am now. I dream about my grandkids being involved and I am so hopeful about what is possible if we keep building this community into the future. The people I have met and who are part of our Heads Together family are truly the most courageous, generous and inspiring people I have ever met and I think that there is such huge potential for this community to create positive change in the way our society views ABI and disability and by doing so create much better futures and possibilities for people with an ABI. So thanks to all of you out there who have been part of this exciting adventure and welcome to any new people who might want to join this amazing community I look forward to a future with an even bigger community. So stay connected and let us know what you think of our new website and how we can make it a really special online community space. xxx