What is Heads Together?” – a question I get asked every time I pack my face paint, sleeping bag and best ‘get dirty’ sneakers before camp. Also a question that can be difficult to answer succinctly, because I think Heads Together means so many different things to many different people.
It’s a community where you can be celebrated for your unique individual talents, and can be inspired by the endless abilities of those around you. It’s an opportunity to play silly games and have double helpings of dessert. It’s also a place where you can feel safe to share thoughts, feelings and challenging experiences without fear of judgment.
Heads Together is the best kind of family. One that’s loud and crazy and fun; but that also knows how to sit quietly and listen and to give one heck of a hug when it’s needed most.
My more recent foray into the Heading Out events has broadened my Heads Together experience for the better. I leave every lunch feeling invigorated (and full!), having had the opportunity to share delicious food, terrible jokes and crazy stories with a group of such inspiring individuals.
For me, Heads Together is my reminder of what people can achieve regardless of the obstacles put in front of them. It’s my prompt to recall that it’s okay to be vulnerable at times, and to lean on others around you. Not least of all, camp provides me with an opportunity to reflect on my persisting fear of top bunks.
But hey, that’s just my Heads Together. What does your Heads Together mean to you?