What have you learnt about families and acquired brain injury since volunteering with Heads Together?
Since participating in the Heads Together camps I have come to understand that an ABI is not always a visible injury and can come in many shapes and forms and effect people in many different ways.
What do you enjoy most about your volunteer role?
The opportunity to sit down and share a cuppa tea with anyone who is up for a chat knowing that it is providing a break from what can be a stressful life for some.
How has Heads Together changed what you do in your everyday life?
It hasn’t changed me but it has definitely reinforced the notion that you should never judge anyone. The camp values of acceptance and respect is such a great thing to reinforce when back in your everyday life.
What has been most unexpected about volunteering for Heads Together?
I never used to drink tea until camp! I didn’t think I had anything to offer as a volunteer with no previous experience in ABI or the health field in general. This didn’t matter because all I needed to offer was a pair of ears and to live by the camp values.