Team 2017

Some comments from the walk Team of 2017

“I remember the highlight as we were approaching the end. As we stumbled into our 94th kilometre we were greeted with hugs and well wishes from the Heads Together family.”

“I chose to challenge myself, to push past the point where my body said stop.  For Reuben, my son with an ABI, he has no choice.  Reuben meets challenge face on and with a beautiful smile.  Reuben inspires me more than he knows.”

“The 2017 walk was bigger and better with lots of new walkers and a new route. It was such an inspiration having Andrew and his family join us for the weekend and the Patford family get involved on Sunday. Having Heads Together families join us showed everyone what you can do if you put your mind to it.”

And they are all coming back to do it again!  Why not join them and register a team

Cathy – a Walker

I have been involved with Heads Together for so long that I can’t remember the first year I went to camp! Many years later I walked part of the 100km walk for moral support and was chief massage therapist.

The following year, in 2016, Kate convinced me to walk the full 100km. I thought it couldn’t be that hard, how wrong I was. The worst part was the mental challenge, to not let that little voice inside my head tell me I was not able to finish. The pain I went through was nothing compared to what Heads Together families face on a day to day basis and that’s what kept me going.

The 2017 walk was bigger and better with lots of new walkers and a new route. It was such an inspiration having Andrew Bruce and his family join us for the weekend and the Patford family get involved on Sunday. Having Heads Together families join us showed everyone what you can do if you put your mind to it.

The power of numbers made a huge difference in the motivation to finish. I think we would have carried Andrew over the finish line if we had to.  It also allowed everyone to walk at their own pace and you never felt like you had to keep up. Luckily this was the case as none of us could ever keep up with Suzy, she was a machine.

For me, my second year was definitely easier than the first. So, everyone who walked this year, you have to come back again next year, I promise it gets easier.

Lachie – Heading Out participant

My experience has been fantastic. I was apprehensive when I first attended Heading Out at the Wharf Hotel, but upon discovering the other individuals who are dealing with issues I am facing, it just worked. The food and company is fantastic and it’s a great outlet for the issues you face on a daily basis and to openly express yourself.

Sadly, Australia is well behind the rest of the modern world in the treatment of brain injuries. As a result, the group is great for individuals to pass on any treatments which have worked or been effective.

Heading Out is a social group of young adults who have suffered head injuries. They can vary in severity but we are all living with disabilities or impairments.

Nick – an ABILiTy member

“Let me spread my wings & learn how to fly – again”

Heads Together and the ABILiTy program helps people with an ABI get together and build life skills. I’ve relearned how to socially conduct myself and work with other people with an ABI. I’ve made new friends and learned how to navigate life. I hope to be able to work my own way into specific courses e.g. further education.

Since a car accident in December 2013 left Nick with a severe brain injury he has come a long way from coma to joining the ABI Leadership Team.

Andrew – a Walker & a Dad

Now as I look back to walking the 100kms for Heads Together I can reflect on the difficulties and the personal rewards that such an event presented for me.

Waves of euphoria surge through my body, explosive bouts of energy allow me to move and my limbs pump with energy.  I want to live here, it is a place of all knowing, I am manically obsessed.  Small incidental thoughts become wondrous worlds to focus my imagination.  I see with absolute clarity,  acute detail  and grandiose schemes are all seen with equal precision.

Even in the midst of this epiphanic state however, another part of my mind knows that my body is failing, permanence becomes temporary, euphoria turns to despondence and even my transcendental mind becomes incapable of simple thought. My lower body detaches from me as though it is no longer mine.  In its place is only pain and even small movements take everything I have.  I am dependant on the next wave of euphoria.

I can see a correlation to the struggles that Reuben, my son who lives with an ABI, has had to go through and continues to go through everyday.  I chose to challenge myself, to push past the point where my body said stop.  For Reuben he has no choice.  Reuben meets challenge face on and with a beautiful smile.  Reuben inspires me more than he knows.  Heads Together support Reuben, they support myself and my family.  Together as a team we all supported each other to walk 100kms and in doing so I feel as though I am better person.