Taylor – Living with an ABI

I’ve had an ABI since 2003. I was hit by a car while crossing a street and spent 2 months in hospital. It has been 13 years and I am still dealing with the consequences. I get tired easily, I find it hard to concentrate and I can be very emotional at times.

I was very lost after my car accident because I didn’t know anyone else with an ABI. Then I found Heads Together camp. I met others with an ABI and made friends. I have been a volunteer on the ABI team since 2013 and I am now volunteering behind the scenes of Heads Together for ABI as well. Heads Together for ABI as a whole has changed my life.

The initial positive change was attending the weekend camps, but being more involved in Heads Together for ABI has inspired me and motivated me beyond what anything ever has. My volunteering and opportunity to get to know families of people with an ABI has helped me understand myself better and has assisted me in discovering my dream career: Nursing.

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